Questions to Ask a Bookkeeper | Interview Guide


As your business grows, you might find yourself swamping more tasks and responsibilities than ever before. Managing daily operations can become difficult, making it crucial to have someone dedicated to handling your financial records and bookkeeping. This is where a skilled bookkeeper becomes important. By taking over the management of your accounts, a bookkeeper can free you to concentrate on expanding your business. But how do you find the right person for the job? This guide will help you find a trustworthy and skilled bookkeeper who fits your needs. Follow the steps and ask the essential questions, and you will be well on your way to finding the ideal candidate for your accounting tasks.

This guide is crafted from years of personal experience as an accountant and from working with a wide range of clients. When managing multiple clients, it’s often necessary to collaborate with other accountants and experts. Through countless interviews and interactions with businesses worldwide, we have gathered valuable insights into what makes an effective bookkeeper. Since tax laws and regulations vary across countries, building a team of knowledgeable experts is crucial for delivering the best results for your clients. In this guide, we will break down and explore various accounting services to provide you with the most beneficial information.

Questions to Ask a Bookkeeper

Here are some essential questions to ask a bookkeeper or accountant before hiring them. Begin by inquiring about their qualifications and experience to ensure they have the right background for your needs.

A. Starting With Qualification and Experience

Q-1 What is Your Educational Background and Professional Certification? 

For Interviewers: Asking about educational qualifications and certifications helps determine if the candidate has the foundational knowledge and formal training required for the role. It ensures they have met industry standards and possess relevant credentials. 

For Interviewees: You might say, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and am a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). I have completed additional certifications in tax preparation and forensic accounting, which have provided me with a broad understanding of accounting principles and practices.

Q-2 Could You Give a Summary of Your Experience in Accounting?

For Interviewers: This question gives insight into the candidate’s practical experience and the types of roles they have held. It helps gauge their familiarity with different accounting environments and challenges. 

For Interviewees: You could respond, “I have worked as an accountant for five years at XYZ Company, where I managed financial reporting and payroll. In my previous job, I managed complicated financial deals and ensured we followed all the rules and regulations.

Q-3 What Difficulties Did You Encounter in Your Past Accounting Jobs, and How Did You Handle Them? 

For Interviewers: This question assesses problem-solving skills and resilience. It demonstrates how the candidate handles tough situations and their ability to adapt and find solutions.

For Interviewees: You might answer In my last job, I faced a challenge with integrating a new accounting software system. I took the initiative to undergo training and worked closely with the IT department to ensure a smooth transition, which ultimately improved our financial reporting accuracy.

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B. Basic Accounting Interview Questions and Answers With Entries

Q-4 What Accounting Software Are You Proficient With? 

For Interviewers: This question helps determine the candidate’s technical skills and familiarity with software crucial for accounting tasks. Being skilled in using tools such as Xero, MYOB, or QuickBooks is essential for managing finances effectively.

For Interviewees: I am proficient in using Xero and QuickBooks. In my previous role, I utilized Xero to manage invoices and reconcile accounts, which streamlined our financial processes and improved reporting accuracy.

Q-5 How Do You Stay Updated With the Latest Accounting Standards and Regulations? 

For Interviewers: This question checks if the candidate is proactive about staying current with industry changes. Knowledge of updated standards and regulations ensures compliance and accuracy in financial reporting. 

For Interviewees: To keep up with the latest in accounting, I subscribe to accounting magazines, join webinars, and take part in professional development classes. I just finished a course on the newest tax rules, which is helping me stay up-to-date and follow the regulations in my current job.

Q-6 Can You Explain a Complex Financial Concept in Simple Terms? 

For Interviewers: This question tests how well the candidate can simply explain complicated information. It’s important to clearly explain financial information to clients or coworkers who might not be familiar with finances. 

For Interviewees: Sure, for example, the concept of ‘depreciation’ can be complex. I would explain it as the reduction in the value of an asset over time due to wear and tear. It’s similar to how a brand-new car decreases in value as it gets older and adds more miles.

Q-7 How Do You Handle Tight Deadlines and Pressure Situations? 

For Interviewers: This question evaluates how well the candidate handles pressure and organizes their tasks. It’s important for roles that involve handling multiple deadlines and high-pressure scenarios. 

For Interviewees: When working with tight deadlines, I focus on tasks according to how urgent and important they are. I ensure that I talk with my team to assign tasks properly. For instance, during the end-of-year financial reporting, I created a detailed timeline and assigned specific tasks to ensure we met the deadline.

ALSO READ THIS: How to Make Business Grow By Outsourcing Bookkeeping

Q-8 Describe a Time When You Identified a Financial Discrepancy and How You Resolved It.

For Interviewers: This question evaluates how well the candidate notices details and solves problems. Finding and fixing errors is an essential part of accounting.

For Interviewees: I once noticed a discrepancy in our monthly bank reconciliation where the bank statement didn’t match our records. I investigated and found that a few transactions were recorded incorrectly. I corrected the entries and updated the reconciliation, which resolved the issue and improved our accuracy.

Q-9 What Methods Do You Use to Ensure Accuracy in Your Work? 

For Interviewers: This question helps understand the candidate’s approach to maintaining high standards of accuracy. It’s essential for minimizing errors and ensuring reliable financial reporting. 

For Interviewees: To ensure accuracy, I use a combination of methods, including double-checking my entries, reconciling accounts regularly, and using accounting software tools for error detection. For example, I always review financial statements for inconsistencies before finalizing them.

Q-10 Can You Explain the Process of Recording a Double-Entry? 

For Interviewers: This question verifies the candidate’s understanding of fundamental accounting principles. Double-entry bookkeeping is a fundamental principle in accounting.

For Interviewees: Double-entry accounting means recording every transaction in two different accounts: one account is debited, and another is credited. For example, when a business pays for office supplies with cash, it records an increase in the office supplies account and a decrease in the cash account.

Q-11 How Do You Manage and Record Recurring Entries? 

For Interviewers: This question assesses the candidate’s ability to handle repetitive transactions and ensure they are recorded consistently. 

For Interviewees: I manage recurring entries by setting up automated reminders in our accounting software. For example, I schedule monthly entries for utility bills to ensure they are recorded accurately and on time each month.

Q-12 What Steps Do You Take to Ensure Entries Are Posted Correctly? 

For Interviewers: This question assesses how the candidate ensures that every financial entry is correct and fully detailed.

For Interviewees: To ensure entries are posted correctly, I follow a systematic process: I review each entry for accuracy, cross-check with source documents, and perform periodic audits. I also reconcile accounts to catch any discrepancies.

C. Interview Questions to Ask a Bookkeeper

Q-13. What is Your Experience With Bank Reconciliations?

For Interviewers: Asking this question helps assess the candidate’s familiarity with an essential accounting task. Bank reconciliations ensure that a company’s records match its bank statements, which is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records.

For Interviewees: In my previous role, I handled bank reconciliations monthly by comparing our internal records with the bank statements. I identified and resolved discrepancies by investigating transaction details and communicating with the bank if needed. For example, I once discovered an error in a bank fee charge that was incorrectly applied, which I promptly corrected.

Q-14. How Do You Manage Accounts Payable and Receivable?

For Interviewers: This question tests the candidate’s skills in managing important financial tasks. Properly handling accounts payable and receivable is crucial for keeping cash flow steady and making sure payments are made on time.

For Interviewees: I manage accounts payable by tracking due dates and scheduling payments to avoid late fees. To manage accounts receivable, I quickly issue invoices and regularly check on any overdue payments. For instance, I implemented a system where we send automated reminders to clients before their invoices are due, which has improved our collection rate significantly.

Electronic Bookkeeping
Q-15. Describe Your Process for Preparing Financial Statements.

For Interviewers: This question assesses the candidate’s ability to compile and present financial data accurately. Creating financial statements is essential for showing a company’s financial condition and making sure it follows the rules.

For Interviewees: My process for preparing financial statements involves gathering all relevant financial data, such as income, expenses, and assets. I then use accounting software to generate preliminary reports, review them for accuracy, and adjust any errors. I complete the statements by making sure they follow accounting rules and regulations. For example, I recently prepared quarterly financial statements that were praised for their clarity and accuracy.

Q-16. What is the Scope of the Services You Offer?

For Interviewers: This question helps understand what specific tasks and services the candidate is qualified to perform. It guarantees that their skills match what your business requires.

For Interviewees: I offer a range of services, including bookkeeping, bank reconciliations, financial reporting, and payroll management. For example, I’ve worked with small businesses to streamline their bookkeeping processes and implement effective financial controls.

Q-17. How Familiar Are You With Our Industry?

For Interviewers: This question gauges the candidate’s industry-specific knowledge. Familiarity with your industry can improve their ability to provide relevant and effective financial support.

For Interviewees: I have experience working with businesses in your industry, including managing industry-specific financial regulations and reporting requirements. For example, I previously worked with a retail company where I managed inventory accounting and sales tax compliance, which is relevant to your business as well.

Q-18. Can You Provide Examples of How You Have Helped Other Businesses Improve Their Financial Processes?

For Interviewers: This question reveals the candidate’s practical experience in enhancing financial operations. It shows how well they can solve problems and the benefits they offer to your business.

For Interviewees: In my previous role, I helped a client streamline their invoicing process by setting up automated billing, which reduced their administrative time by 30%. I also implemented a new expense tracking system that improved their financial visibility and helped them make more informed business decisions.

Q-19. What Credentials Do You Have?

For Interviewers: This question verifies the candidate’s qualifications and professional certifications. It ensures they have the necessary credentials for the role and are recognized by industry standards.

For Interviewees: I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and am a Certified Bookkeeper. I’ve also completed additional training in advanced bookkeeping and financial analysis. These qualifications prove that I have the expertise and understanding required to manage finances well.

Q-20. How Do You Ensure Data Security and Confidentiality?

For Interviewers: This question assesses the candidate’s approach to protecting sensitive financial information. Data security is crucial for maintaining trust and compliance with privacy regulations.

For Interviewees: I ensure data security by using secure accounting software with encryption features and regularly updating passwords. I adhere to strict guidelines for managing private information and only allow access to authorized individuals. For example, I set up a data backup system to protect against losing information if there’s a security issue.

Q-21. What is Your Pricing Structure, and Are There Any Hidden Costs?

For Interviewers: This question clarifies the candidate’s pricing model and transparency. Knowing how costs are organized helps with planning your budget and preventing surprise expenses.

For Interviewees: My pricing structure is based on the scope of services provided and is generally fixed monthly or hourly. I make sure there are no surprise fees by giving you a clear list of costs from the start. For example, my standard package includes all bookkeeping services with no additional charges for basic tasks.

D. Interview Questions Related to Accounts Payable

Q-22. How Do You Handle Discrepancies in Invoices?

For Interviewers: Asking this question helps assess how a candidate deals with common issues in accounts payable. It shows how well they solve problems and pay attention to details. It also shows they can communicate well with vendors and solve conflicts.

For Interviewees: When I encounter discrepancies in invoices, my first step is to verify the details against purchase orders and delivery receipts. If discrepancies persist, I contact the vendor to clarify the issue and correct the invoice. For example, if an invoice shows a different quantity than what was received, I would check the delivery note and reach out to the vendor for an explanation. Once resolved, I update the records and ensure that the corrected invoice is processed promptly.

Q-23. Describe Your Process for Managing Vendor Relationships.

For Interviewers: This question gauges how a candidate builds and maintains relationships with vendors, which is crucial for smooth operations and timely payments. It gives you an idea of how well they communicate and manage regular vendor interactions.

For Interviewees: I manage vendor relationships by maintaining regular communication and being proactive in addressing any concerns. For example, I arrange regular meetings to talk about any problems or areas for improvement. I also ensure timely payments and provide feedback on their service. This method provides trust and creates a strong, positive connection with the vendors.

Q-24. What Software Do You Use for Accounts Payable, and Why?

For Interviewers: This question assesses the candidate’s experience with accounts payable software and their reasons for choosing certain tools. It reveals their technical skills and their ability to leverage software for efficiency and accuracy.

For Interviewees: I use Xero for accounts payable because it offers a user-friendly interface and integrates well with other financial systems. It automates invoice processing and provides features for tracking expenses and managing payments efficiently. For instance, Xero’s reconciliation feature helps me quickly match bank transactions with invoices, reducing manual errors and saving time.

DO YOU KNOW: How to Choose the Right Accounting Software For Your Business

Accounts Payable Interview Questions for Freshers

Q-25. How Do You Prioritize Payments to Suppliers?

For Interviewers: This question assesses a fresher’s understanding of payment priorities and their ability to manage cash flow. It shows their organizational skills and their approach to ensuring that critical suppliers are paid on time.

For Interviewees: I prioritize payments based on due dates and the importance of the supplier to our operations. For example, I ensure that payments to suppliers with essential goods or services are made first to avoid disruptions. I also review payment terms and plan payments according to cash flow to maintain a balance between timely payments and financial stability.

Q-26. What Steps Do You Take to Ensure Timely Payment of Invoices?

For Interviewers: This question helps understand the candidate’s process for managing and tracking payments. It reveals their organizational skills and their ability to prevent late payments, which is critical for maintaining good supplier relationships.

For Interviewees: To ensure timely payment of invoices, I set up reminders and track due dates using accounting software. I also review the invoices upon receipt to confirm accuracy and approve them for payment promptly. For example, I use a calendar system to schedule payment runs and ensure that all payments are processed before the due date.

Q-27. Can You Explain the Concept of Accrual Accounting?

For Interviewers: This question checks the candidate’s understanding of fundamental accounting principles. It’s crucial to assess their understanding of accrual accounting, as it is key for precise financial reporting.

For Interviewees: Accrual accounting is a system where you record transactions as they happen, not just when money comes in or goes out. For instance, if we get a service in December but settle the payment in January, accrual accounting would record the expense in December. This approach gives a clearer view of how well a company is doing financially during the specified time.

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E. Accounts Receivable Interview Questions

Q-28. How Do You Handle Overdue Accounts?

For Interviewers: This question helps you gauge a candidate’s approach to managing overdue accounts and their problem-solving skills. It’s essential to understand how they address potential issues that could impact cash flow and client relationships.

For Interviewees: You might respond that when handling overdue accounts, I first review the account history to understand the situation. I then contact the customer to discuss the overdue payment and determine if any issues are causing the delay. I help the customer create a payment plan if it’s necessary. If the payment remains outstanding, I follow up with reminders and escalate the issue according to the company’s policies. For example, in my previous role, I successfully recovered several overdue accounts by negotiating extended payment terms and offering incentives for early settlement.

Q-29. What Strategies Do You Use to Improve Cash Flow?

For Interviewers: This question assesses a candidate’s strategic thinking and their ability to implement effective methods for improving cash flow. It reveals their understanding of financial management beyond just handling transactions.

For Interviewees: An effective answer might be: To improve cash flow, I implement strategies such as offering early payment discounts to encourage prompt payment, regularly reviewing and managing accounts receivable to follow up on overdue invoices, and optimizing invoicing processes to ensure timely billing. For instance, in my previous job, I introduced a system for automated reminders. I implemented a discount program, which significantly reduced the average day sales outstanding and improved overall cash flow.

Q-30. Describe Your Process for Managing Customer Invoices and Payments.

For Interviewers: This question helps us understand how well the candidate manages tasks and their method for making sure customer invoices and payments are processed correctly and promptly.

For Interviewees: You could answer: My process for managing customer invoices and payments starts with ensuring that invoices are generated accurately and promptly after services or products are delivered. I then send the invoices to customers and track them through a system to monitor payment status. I check in with customers when needed and handle any questions or problems they may have. For example, in my last position, I streamlined the invoicing process by implementing an electronic invoicing system, which reduced errors and sped up payment processing.

F. Tax Accountant Interview Questions

Q-31. What Is Your Experience with Preparing Tax Returns?

Why This Question Is Important: This question helps assess a candidate’s hands-on experience with tax preparation, which is crucial for ensuring accurate and compliant tax filings.

Sample Answer: I have prepared tax returns for individuals and businesses across several countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. My approach includes:

  • Gathering all necessary documentation.
  • Applying for applicable deductions and credits.
  • Using tax software to ensure accuracy.

By having a clear process and experience with different tax systems, I aim to provide accurate returns and maximize tax benefits for clients.

Benefit: By asking about their experience with tax returns, you gauge the candidate’s familiarity with various tax regulations and their ability to handle complex tax situations. It also reveals their understanding of different tax environments and their capability to manage diverse client needs.

Q-32. How Do You Stay Updated with Changes in Tax Laws?

Why This Question Is Important: Tax laws are always evolving, so it’s important to keep up with the latest updates to give correct and current advice. This question evaluates how dedicated a candidate is to ongoing learning and improving their skills.

Sample Answer: To stay updated with changes in tax laws, I follow updates from tax authorities such as the IRS in the United States, the Australian Taxation Office, and other relevant agencies. I also participate in webinars, read industry publications, and engage with professional organizations. This ensures that I’m aware of the latest tax regulations and can apply them effectively for clients in different countries.

Benefit: This question helps determine how proactive the candidate is in keeping their knowledge current, which is essential for providing accurate tax advice and avoiding compliance issues.

Q-33. Can You Explain the Difference Between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion?

Why This Question Is Important: Understanding the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is vital for ethical and legal tax practice. This question evaluates how well the candidate understands tax laws and their skill in simply explaining complicated ideas.

Sample Answer: “Tax avoidance involves using legal strategies to reduce tax liabilities, such as claiming deductions and credits allowed by law. For example, in the United States, you might use retirement account contributions to lower taxable income. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is illegal and includes practices like underreporting income or inflating deductions. Tax evasion can lead to serious penalties and legal consequences, whereas tax avoidance is permissible when done within the legal framework.”

Benefit: Asking this question assesses the candidate’s understanding of ethical tax practices and their ability to differentiate between legal and illegal methods of reducing tax obligations. It also guarantees that they follow top-notch professional practices and steer clear of legal issues.

G. Journal Entry Questions

Q-34. Provide an Example of a Journal Entry for a Sales Transaction

Why This Question Is Important: This question helps assess the candidate’s understanding of how to accurately record sales transactions, which is essential for maintaining accurate financial records.

Sample Answer: For a sale of $1,000 on credit, the journal entry would be:

  • Debit Accounts Receivable $1,000
  • Credit Sales Revenue $1,000

This entry shows the money made and acknowledges that the customer still owes the company. For example, when a company sells $1,000 in products to a customer on credit, it will boost the Accounts Receivable account and record the revenue.

Benefit: Asking this question allows the interviewer to gauge the candidate’s practical knowledge of journal entries and their ability to handle common accounting transactions. It ensures that the candidate can accurately record and manage financial data.

Q-35. How Do You Record a Bad Debt Expense?

Why This Question Is Important: This question tests the candidate’s ability to handle uncollectible accounts and their understanding of how to adjust financial statements to reflect bad debts.

Sample Answer: To record a bad debt expense, you first need to determine which accounts are uncollectible. For example, if you identify that $500 of Accounts Receivable is unlikely to be collected, the journal entry would be:

  • Debit Bad Debt Expense $500
  • Credit Accounts Receivable $500

This entry takes away the amount we can’t collect from Accounts Receivable and records it as an expense. For instance, if a customer’s account is deemed uncollectible after multiple attempts to collect payment, you record this amount as a bad debt expense to reflect the loss in the financial statements.

Benefit: This question helps evaluate the candidate’s understanding of accounting principles related to bad debts and their ability to adjust financial records appropriately. It ensures that they can manage and account for losses in a way that maintains the accuracy of financial reports.

Q-36. Explain the Process of Adjusting Entries at the End of a Financial Period

Why This Question Is Important: Making adjusting entries is essential for showing an accurate picture of a company’s financial status in its financial statements. This question evaluates the candidate’s understanding of how to adjust accounts and their skill in creating precise financial statements.

Sample Answer: Adjusting entries are made at the end of a financial period to account for accrued and deferred items. For example:

  • Accrued Revenues: Suppose a company earned $200 in interest revenue in December but will receive the payment in January. The adjusting entry would be:
    • Debit Interest Receivable $200
    • Credit Interest Revenue $200
  • Deferred Expenses: If a company prepaid $1,200 for a one-year insurance policy in January, you would record a monthly expense of $100 as follows:
    • Debit Insurance Expense $100
    • Credit Prepaid Insurance $100

These entries make sure that income and costs are logged in the right accounting period, following the rules of accrual accounting.

Benefit: This question is valuable because it examines the candidate’s understanding of adjusting entries and their ability to apply these adjustments correctly. It ensures that financial statements are precise and accurately represent the company’s financial condition at the end of the period.

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H. Questions to Ask at the End of an Accounting Interview

Q-37. What Does a Typical Day Look Like for Someone in This Role?

For Interviewers: This question helps to explain what the job involves and what is expected each day. Understanding the daily tasks can help gauge if the candidate is suited for the job and if their skills align with the job requirements.

For Interviewees: In my previous role, I found that asking about a typical day helped me understand what daily tasks and priorities were important. For example, knowing whether the role involves a lot of client interaction or focuses more on internal reporting allowed me to tailor my skills to meet those specific needs effectively.

Q-38. How Does the Company Support Ongoing Professional Development?

For Interviewers: This question shows how dedicated the company is to helping its employees grow and learn. It demonstrates whether the company supports its employees’ professional growth and keeps them informed about industry developments.

For Interviewees: In my last position, I asked about professional development opportunities to understand how the company supports career growth. For instance, I discovered that the company offered regular training sessions and covered certification costs, which was valuable for staying current with industry standards and enhancing my skills.

Q-39. Can You Describe the Team I Will Be Working With?

For Interviewers: This question helps assess the team dynamics and work environment. It shows how the team is organized and how the candidate will fit in with the current team.

For Interviewees: Asking about the team I’d be working with helped me gauge the team’s culture and dynamics. For example, I learned about the team’s collaborative approach and communication style, which helped me determine if my working style would complement theirs effectively and if I would thrive in that environment.

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Final Thoughts

In conclusion, finding the right bookkeeper for your business is essential for smooth financial management. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that your bookkeeper has the necessary skills, experience, and understanding to meet your needs. This guide has provided you with valuable insights into the key questions to ask a bookkeeper, from their qualifications to their approach to handling financial discrepancies.

With this knowledge, you can confidently select a bookkeeper who will help you maintain accurate records and support your business’s growth. Always hire a person who is certified in tools such as Xero or QuickBooks to ensure they have the expertise needed for your accounting software. Remember, asking the right questions will lead you to the ideal candidate who can contribute effectively to your financial success.


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